There are a few slight issues with the site. Here are the main ones I have observed and a solution to them.
- Selecting the Discussion Forum from the Navigation Panel doesn't take you to the main forum menu.
Solution: Use the
Discussion Forum link in the header menu panel or Select
Enter Forum from the drop down menu from the
Discussion Forum link in the
Navigation Panel.
- When submitting a News, Article, FAQ or Gallery, the Submit Button doesn't activate.
Solution: Click the refresh button on your browser and click Submit again and it should work!
- Once you post in the Forum, the panel back ground is transparent.
Solution: i don't really mind it so not too fussed atm. Though should be easily fixed once I can locate the relevant php. file! Not a priority at this stage though.
- Not able to send PM's to each other.
Please reply to this thread if you notice something on this site that is not functioning correctly.